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2 easy payment options that adapt to your personal and professional situation:

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We want you to succeed and make sure you can go the distance!


With RocktheCode we bet on you and your future! Leave us your details 
and we'll evaluate your application soon.

The program is very demanding and requires high levels of commitment and dedication. We always have more applicants than we have space for, so we want to make sure that the people who take one of these coveted spots are the right fit. 

But don’t worry, there are no formal requirements at all. Find out how the selection process works, and we look forward to getting to know you!

Un método para <aprender 

más> donde puedes...


Asistir a clase todos los días durante 6 meses de 16:00-22:00h. 

Bootcamp tradicional

Bootcamp tradicional

Aprender por encima las tecnologías más demandadas (HTML, Java...).

Bootcamp tradicional

Quedarte atrás porque no has podido dedicar el tiempo suficiente a las clases.


Bootcamp tradicional

Encontrar un trabajo al finalizar el bootcamp.

Hacer el programa A TU RITMO, donde quieras, cuando quieras y desde donde quieras.

Profundizar todo lo que quieras en cada tecnología y conseguir certificarte como experto en cada una de ellas.


Ver las clases y hacer las mentorías las veces que quieras  y no perderte nada.

Acceder antes (a medida que vayas completando el programa) a los mejores puestos de trabajo.  

by ThePower Business School

Start the selection process

Disover the next program start days and begin the selection process as soon as possible, since it will take 30 days overall.

March 2023

ONLINE/at your 
own pace



12 available places

Discover the financing options


Program start:

Places available:


January 2023

ONLINE/at your 
own pace




Discover the financing options


Become a

Full Stack Developer

in just 6 months

With the first boot camp where you keep complete control over your schedule.



...you'll develop at least 8 real-life projects to create

In any admissions process, it's highly valuable to demonstrate your skills, either through your work experience or a portfolio. In other schools, you complete exercises for different subject areas but don't create your own portfolio.

That is why we have created the 
first program with a portfolio-based methodology, allowing all graduates to demonstrate examples and showcase their experience and body of work.

...and where you'll master agile methodologies

All technical departments work with agile methodologies, so companies value candidates that have experience working with these methodologies.

We want you to have a competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded market, so 
we have incorporated live sessions for you to learn how to manage a project with this agile methodology.

The first program where you'll create your own portfolio based on 8 real projects...

The most complete program. We include important skills that the rest are missing. 

50% of the cost of traditional programs.

The only program that is completely flexible, adapting to your rhythm, level, ambition... 

...and find the job opportunities you've been looking for

[Only 50 spots available]

Now you can join a truly flexible program, adapted to your pace, level, and ambition...

Live mentorship

Access a calendar of live classes with experts that adapt to your schedules and your level, so that you don't miss a thing.

Theory classes and practical exercises that you can do at your own pace.

Your personal tutor so you'll never feel alone

Our theoretical classes (15 minutes each) are complemented with practical exercises to help you retain what you learned and prepare you for your future job.

A global community on Discord

Get answers to your questions and get to know your fellow students, entering a professional network of developers.

We start at 0

80% of students don't have any prior knowledge, so we start from scratch, helping you learn the basics and build your knowledge and skills step by step

Get as in-depth as you want

You can advance as far as you want and dive deeper to master more skills and technologies and pass technical tests and admissions processes.

We will assign you a tutor to help you with your questions and help you deliver projects that make you stand out.

From the moment you start the program, we will do everything we can to help you find a job. You'll have first access to the best offers from our partners and our global community, which together with your portfolio will help you find your next job offer.

Agreements with our partners

  • Receive job offers (that best fit your profile) on a weekly basis.

  • Monthly career orientation talks with leading developers in different areas (Startups, Big Consultancies, Multinationals, etc.).

  • Priority access to job offers (you'll find out before anyone else). 

  • Chance to show up on the list of "Best Student of Each Cohort" that we send to our 600+ partner companies.

Access our global community

  • Personal call with our community leader to get to know you and make sure you make the most of the opportunities available. 

  • Quarterly Hackathons so that you can stand out with the best companies. 

  • Face-to-face and online events so you can develop your network and find opportunities (new job, a co-founder, new colleagues...).

The best possible job application materials:

The program is designed to help you create a portfolio that demonstrates the projects you have successfully completed during the bootcamp to be better positioned for new job opportunities.

Present your portfolio in the selection process and show that you are the person they have been looking for all along.

...while getting all the support and mentorship you need.

by ThePower Business School

Will I receive an official title?

What results do I have to bring to finish the program successfully?

What are my opportunities after the program?

How is it possible to become a full stack developer in just 6 months?

If I already know how to program... What can I learn in this program?

Do I need any prior knowledge or fulfill any other requirements?

Why should I study to become a web developer?

Why do we make the commitment that you will get a job in tech sector? 

Why has our program been created by current practitioners?


What makes us completely different?

Become a 

Full Stack Developer in just 6 months


unfilled positions

for developers in the European labor market


of Full Stack Developers program graduates

find work within 12 months


increase in average salary 

after finishing a program to become a full-stack developer.

Full Stack Developers are some of the most valuable, scarce and best remunerated profiles...

Land the job you want in the technology sector and, if you need it, pay when you find a job.

Why become a Full Stack Developer?

Some of the companies that trust in us

The average medium salary for an entry-level job in Europe is 50.000€ (CodeInstitute*)

SyllabusHow does it work?Payment methods


Launch price



Full payment

*Excluding VAT

Payment in installments

Payment in installments


Up to 12 installments

FROM  291€ per month

*Excluding VAT

Initial payment

Up to 12 installments

FROM 210€ per month



*Excluding VAT

2 easy payment options that adapt to your personal and professional situation:

... to make that kind of change in your life?

We understand.


Some people are afraid that coding is too hard, or that they are not going to like it, won't have time...
We don't want you to miss this opportunity. That's why we are the only school that
 gives you 100% of your money back
 if, during the first month, you find out it's not for you. No questions asked.

... to make that kind of change in your life?

If you are not sure if this bootcamp is for you...

Download all the info about the bootcamp.


If you are not sure if this bootcamp is for you...

Download all the info about the bootcamp.


And, above all, adapted to what companies need and demand.

more advanced program than other bootcamps out there...

Bootcamps normally come up short. That's why we created a program that goes deeper than others, allowing you to master more skills and technologies. We help you be better prepared for the requirements of current CTOs and the technical tests in selection processes.

more advanced

program than

other bootcamps 

out there...


Remember that we are the only school that gives you 100% of your money back if, during the first month, you find out it's not for you. No questions asked.

15-minute classes that you can do whenever and wherever you want

Flexible learning methodology


Learn from the best

Featuring world-renowned business leaders, and insights from the top industry references.


Keep connected with top professionals of every industry in our global business community.


Be part of the world’s largest business community

that is revolutionizing the education



Find out that learning to code is easier than you think if it is explained to you properly


*Excluding VAT

*Excluding VAT


*Excluding VAT



*Excluding VAT